Also this year Draco Marketing extends its activities beyond the Motorsport, confirming its presence in the Italian Off Shore Championship.
The Off Shore championship is based on the same values that have always been known by those coming from the four wheels: speed, power, passion and adrenaline. The calendar of events is as follows:
27-29 April San Felice Circeo
24-27 May Porto Rotondo
3-5 August Cariati
21-23 September Chioggia
Draco Marketing partners will be present on off-shore competitions that take place under the coast, to the benefit of the spectacle offered to the public that is able to follow closely the different steps of the boats. In addition to the race, enthusiasts have the opportunity to access the paddock village, see boats and pilots closely and take part in the side events that are organized.
The staff of Draco Marketing asks those who want to be present at the races to indicate it at least 40 days before, so as to be able to reserve hotels through the agency and organize the stay at best.